Text Editor
To edit a text variable, you can also activate an editor in the template. You can then format the text, for example, by making it bold or italic. The options available in the editor depend on the settings in the template.

The template designer can give you access to the following functions, among others:
Text formatting: bold, italics, underline, subscript, superscript, and strikethrough
Objects: special characters, bullet points, links, images, media links
Tables: click the
button to add a table. A dialog box opens where you can enter the basic table properties such as the number of rows and columns. Choose OK to add the table. You can edit the table directly. Right-click the table to open the context menu, where you can access additional editing options:
View options: display as a source text, maximize, restore the editor
Clipboard: add content from MS Word
Links: The editor offers you the possibility to open a link in a new browser window. To do this, use the context menu by right-clicking on the link or click on the link while holding down the CTRL/CMD key.
Most of the functions are represented with icons that are based on conventional images. However, if you do not understand the function behind any icon, set the cursor on the icon. The function is then displayed in a tool tip.
Note that the template designer usually provides you with a selection of these functions based on how you are supposed to edit the variable. The options provided therefore vary from document to document and in some circumstances even from variable to variable.